Desperately looking for link building community on slack? Do you want to minimize your link building effort? Do you want to directly connect with editors/web master to do link exchange or guest post collaboration than you are right place . Today we going to public the name of our slack channel – Build Backlinks- Which has currently 1950+ Members , All of them are editors ,Outreach Manager, Link Building Specialist, Content marketer .
Including the editor of,, , , , , , , Editors already joined our channel. You can easily contact with editors and make a quick A-B-C Link Exchange with them and take a link for your website.
Hundreds of editors, web master already joined and make links daily . Its difficult to trust , Lets start with statistics of our slack link building channel – Build Backlinks–
You will see 7 channels after joining you will see these sections
#Link Building
#Link Exchange
How to join Build Backlinks Slack Link Building Channel
We Continue monitor our channels to make sure its spam free and Till today This channel was invite only, No one in internet known about this . But we decided to open our channel for all . For this certain number of requirements you need to fill.
Currently there two model of joining
Free Joining- This require 45 days waiting period and you must need an business email address. Than we will review your request and if found you are ready to go than we will invite you. We will add 33% application after each 45 days.
Express Joining- There is no waiting period , you will be added within 12 Hours . For this you need to pay one time 50$ payment to over wise or payonner or paypal. After receive payments you will get a invitation link and there’s no review process . Its because to ensure to avoid spammer . Payment is 100% refundable if you don’t like our channel and want to leave .
Please don’t annoy me to bargain and ask for discount , This is not a place for beggars.
Please mail on [email protected] with Title – Free Joining on Slack ( If you want to join as Free) or Paid Joining on Slack ( If you want to join express) + Include your LinkedIn profile link in message.
Moreover if you have any suggestion or feedback regarding Slack link building community feel free drop me a message, I would love to listen from you guys.
Here are few STATISTICS are written as reference , you can check these.
Here is the list of members
Here you can check how many messages exchanges between members